The Relaxed Mind: Deepen Your Meditation Practice

Class 1: Meditations 1-4

When & Where

Date: Thursdays, January 30, February 6, February 13, February 20, 2020

Time: 7:00-8:45 pm

Location: Waltham Buddhist Meditation Group, 50 Church St., Waltham MA in the Chapel at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church (Corner of School and Church St.)

Level: Recommended for both beginning and experienced students


Registration: There is no registration for programs at the Waltham Buddhist Meditation Group. Just come to the evenings. Everyone is welcome.

Suggested Donation: We do not charge a fee for the classes, although donations are welcome. All donations go to support the First Parish in Waltham.

This is a series of four classes. Participants are encouraged to attend all four classes but you can attend individual classes if you wish.

Class Description

We will learn and practice a series of meditations developed by a modern-day meditation master, Kilung Rinpoche and presented in his book The Relaxed Mind. These meditations come from a tradition which has been developed over thousands of years and, passed from person to person. While refreshingly simple and well suited for busy westerners, these meditations remain true to the essence of this tradition.

Each class offers meditation instruction, guided meditation, and discussion. There will be readings between classes from The Relaxed Mind by Kilung Rinpoche. 

Everyone is welcome, beginners and experienced meditators alike. This class will cover the first four of the meditations from The Relaxed Mind:

  1. Basic Sitting – Joining Body and Mind: Experiencing our physical body as the support and foundation for meditation, we gently join our body with mental awareness.

  2. Calm Abiding: Using an object of attention to free ourselves from the disturbances of thoughts and to reach a state of calm and stability.

  3. Refined Basic Sitting: Calm evolves into clarity, relaxation, energy, and inspiration, providing a bridge to the experience of insight.

  4. Insight Meditation: Seeing beneath the surface to the nature of all phenomena, with clarity and insight we understand things as they really are (vipassana).

These meditations create a solid foundation for ongoing meditation practice and for connecting to calmness, relaxation, inspiration, and spaciousness of body and mind.