Seeing ourselves clearly and understanding how others see us is a foundation for day-to-day leadership as well as any leadership development plan.
However, one of the central challenges of leadership is that we don’t see ourselves as others do and it’s hard to get feedback, especially as we get more and more responsibility. Richard Feynman is right when he said: “When it comes to yourself, the easiest person to fool is yourself.”
360 Degree Reviews are a valuable way to get reliable feedback from your team, board members, and other stakeholders. A 360 helps you make course corrections in your leadership that support your professional and organizational growth. The compiled feedback report along with coaching allows you to see what’s working, what’s not working, and what needs attention.
We use several methodologies to conduct these 360-degree reviews depending on your needs. Here are two formats we often use.
One-on-One Interviews
Our structured one-on-one interview process provides insight-rich feedback on your strengths and areas in need of development. We conduct individual interviews with jointly selected individuals who can include direct reports, peers, managers, and board members. We compile the feedback from these individuals into a report that allows you to hear all of the feedback and see the themes while maintaining the anonymity of those providing feedback.
Leadership Circle Profile
The Leadership Circle Profile is a sophisticated online survey tool. It’s the only 360-degree competency assessment that simultaneously provides focused competency feedback while revealing the underlying assumptions that are causing a leader’s pattern of strengths and limitations. The Leadership Circle Profile helps leaders understand the relationship between how they habitually think, how they behave, and, more importantly, how all this impacts their current level of leadership effectiveness.