How do you get stuff done without going crazy, and ideally do some good in this world?
The Boston Relaxed Mind Meditation Group is a community with a particular interest in taking our meditation practice off the cushion and into our life and our work. We meet every other Thursday evening in Newton Center, and you are welcome to join us no matter how much meditation experience you have.
Work is challenging. The rate of change and the flood of information coming our way is approaching the human capacity to keep up. If you don’t proactively work with your mind to remain open and relaxed, like ruts in the road that get deeper and deeper, your mind gets tighter and tighter.
We practice a series of meditations developed by a modern day meditation master, Kilung Rinpoche and presented in his book The Relaxed Mind. These meditations come from of a tradition which has been developed over thousands of years and like freshly baked bread, passed from person to person. While refreshingly simple and well suited for busy westerners, these meditations remains true to the essence of this tradition — bread baked from the same yeast.
For the first hour of each class, we do a short talk on meditation and practice meditation together. We then spend the last half hour doing an exercise to take the mind of meditation into the nitty-gritty of the workplace — how we have conversations, how we listen, and how we make decisions.
Meditation is not another project. The practice of meditation is a way to create space in your mind to work with your current projects in a better way. Come practice with us and see if it is right for you.